/ 01 Solution
Solutions with Richest
Diversity & Adaptability
Complete Conversion Funnel Analysis
The most accurate Footfall Analytics Solution with ReID Staff Exclusion and Duplicates Removal in the world
Smart Decision-making with LLM
Discover the customer behaviors of SKU handling and indicating purchase intentions across shelves and zones with AI-empowered integration
CV-empowered Loss Prevention
Investigate fraudulen activities, triggering alerts automatically and retrieve relevant video records
/ 02 Product
Comprehensive Product Lines
to Meet all Your Requirements
Vionvision Smart Sensors Edge-Computing Terminals Data & Application Platform Loss Prevention Platform
Vionvision Smart Sensors
Vionvision cutting-edge smart sensor series is revolutionizing the retail industry with its unparalleled precision and diverse data analysis abilities. Vionvision sensors are dedicated to providing real-time data insights that drive informed decision-making and optimize management processes. They are embedded with various footfall analysis functionalities, widest Field-of-View, highest level of feature adaptability and data accuracy, and Wireless capability.
Edge-Computing Terminals
Vionvision CBox smart terminal is an industry-leading computer vision analysis box. It offers the most cost-effective solutions that allow users to convert non-smart surveillance cameras and CCTV architectures rather than deploying new smart sensors. With remarkable computing power, this terminal can execute multiple video analysis tasks simultaneously, empowering the optimization of business management and operation to achieve greater success.
V-store Platform
​Vionvision data application platform, also known as BI (Business Intelligence) platform, excels at visualizing complex statistics in an easier and more understandable format. It can generate comprehensive reports from mobile phones, PCs, and other interfaces, catering to diverse requirements. Whether you are managing retail stores or commercial shopping malls, this platform can help you grasp insights and make informed decisions in this data-driven world.
Vionvision Remote Merchandising
Platform represents a cutting-edge on-premise cloud-based computer vision analysis system. It is specifically tailored for retailers to increase sales by understanding customer behaviors in a more depth, and to reduce cost by counteracting fraudulence acts. This system can be applied in the computer vision-centric merchandising by improving the quality of reception services, monitoring in-store marketing displays to attract more customer attentions, loss prevention and multiple other scenarios.
/ 03 About
About Vionvision
Founded in 2005, Vionvision is committed to developing world-leading computer vision algorithms, front-end AIoT devices, comprehensive data analysis and reliable business intelligence platform that can be applied in retail stores, restaurants, supermarkets, shopping centers, automobile dealership shops and multiple industries.
Welcome to Vionvision, where innovation meets vision. At Vionvision, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of CV+AI technology to create tactical solutions that transform the retail landscape in terms of smart decision-making, loss prevention and data-driven applications.
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/ 04 News
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Feb 09,2025